Loner:1st Defintion;a person who is not any label.
EX:Jocks,preps,Emo,Goth,Nerd,Punk Rocker,and Gansta
2nd Definition;a person who fits in several different labels
I'm a 2nd Def. loner
Hey...My name is Alex and if you can't tell I"m mexican.Well...all I can say over years people I thought I trusted destroyed me and other times I destroyed my self and I'm not to happy about that.I live in Cali and go to YCHS with my very few real life best friends.They know that I do to my self that hurt others.I'm 15 and a sophomore this year and I pretty much have a hard time at school but I'm going to do my hardest this year.I might seem weird but I could actually be mental with the way I act or do.For me being happy is a challenge but I rather make my friends happy then to make my self happy.If a friend of mine was being beaten up,I"ll go in and try to get them out of there....even if the consequence is being shot stabbed or killed.I don't care what happens to me,I just want my friends to be ok.I don't like problems I see everyday so I step in,even if isn't my problem,and try to help solve it.So,I guess thats pretty much it so PM or comment me if you want to talk.Bye

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