Sup, my name is Andrew for those of you who haven't figured that out. I am still Teh Flannel Ninja
surprised (even though I don't wear flannel anymore
biggrin ). I do not eat babies, Paul does though >.>. So, what can I say?
http://www.youtube.com/user/me23548 thats mah youtube account profile thing. I make runescape vids in my spare time
biggrin . They're not the best, and I don't expect them to be, but don't be hatin
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it sucks. </3 crying
its cause after vacation i had to practice for a guitar recital ......that i ended up screwing up anyway. TWICE x_x
omg i have to tell. you T____T I'm going on vacation till like the 21st so i won't be on. ;.;
and im leaving tommorow morning..
soda burns my nose. so i don like it. D=
•Thanks ^^