Me not being here! Ya well, I've had no internet! Sorry people and I've been far to busy to go to a friends and get onto the internet, and that's a little wrong to go to a friends and bug for internet only. Anyways! I've been having fun and when I do have internet, just a warning, I won't be on as much as I used to sad that's not because I don't like role playing anymore, because I do, but it's because I think gaia is wasting my time. Without the internet I have done a LOT of things!!! HAHA! And they're fun! So I'd be keeping and doing those things when I get internet back. Anyways I'll be sure to message anyone that has been wondering about me the next time I get on, bye!
DON'T MESSAGE ME IF: -You are a immature 19 year old who doesn't have a life and only wants to start drama and doesn't share her/his friends. You're stupid and need to grow up, after all you are 19 years old!!! AND starting drama on the internet? REALLY!? HAHAHA! You're a flippin joke!!! XDDD It's the internet!! MEANT FOR FUN!!! Not drama. -_- you're a disgrace. -You are a drama fanatic. I hate you, it's all annoying. Now drama in a role play is another thing, I love drama in stories, so I'll invite you in with open arms, just don't start drama with me. I don't like it, it's soooooo annoying, especially since I don't know you. -All you want to do is try and put me down when NOTHING, and I will repeat, NOTHING will hurt me on the damn internet. COME ON PEOPLE! IT'S THE INTERNET! STOP BEING PANSIES AND DUMB-ASSES!!!!
All in a nut-shell I a crazy pyromaniac who likes to kill cookies! Yes, that is who I am, don't like it then...well get over yourself, you probably aren't much different from me! ;D Everyone likes Fire...right? >_O I....AM! A manic depressive person! I get happy one moment and the next I am down and being all emo with every inch of my annoyingness! A lot of people mistake this as bipolar, buuuuut NO! It's not ^^ Bipolar is mood changes fast! Between mania and depression, but manic depressive people are more depressed then yeah, sadly that's what I am. Hehe I did a report on bipolar people ^-^ INTERESTING! Errrrmmm...I don't know what to say because my brain won't let me type. I don't like saying things about myself because then I just get all confusing and chances are you won't understand, shame shame. Anyways! you should do this REAL fast: HA! Losers -_- Though I have to say I'm a pretty big one at the moment as well XDD I am now updating my 'about me' and I forgot what it did, so I tried it!!! I was pissssssed!!! -_-
NOW! To everyone that is still here~!:, I find it easier to explain myself through icons? ...
OH! besides the weird a** icons! I forgot to tell ya, be patient with me if I get all '******** you' or all 'I hate you' on you...It happens quite a bit sadly >.> sometimes I just snap. So yeah! Just a WARNING!!!! Maybe that would look better in red...I mean most 'warning' labels come in red don't they? Should I put it in red?!?!? There I go, blabbing off again! HA...Ha...ha...
Role Play Character's/Story's Pictures:
Haro (blue) <3 Friday (Purple) Haro's mine. Friday's U-la-la's. Best Couple Ever in the best role play ever!!! T-T Background, Jealous Jacob. ARTIST: My Favorite, Domi~! X3
Lol, this is such a very very very late reply. I hardly ever go on this site anymore.
TBH, I dun think Junjou Romantica is a yaoi, it sounds like a shonen-ai to me? Does it follow the stereotpyical storyline of gay likes straight, gay turns straight gay, and then there's sex all the way through? LOl, my freinds love this manga XD
Nope. I found then at Wal-Mart just when Season 1 was ending and Then started watching the series. And they are STILL five dollars. At least the paper back ones are. The last on it hard cover and it's like... twenty bucks.
Viewing 10 of 20 comments.