My name is William (nick-name: Makeyleth)I live in Ohio and im emo, dont judge me for what i am. I write poetry, draw pictures, listen to music, skateboard and play video games. I'm pretty much obessed with games, sword games or shooting games. Ok well im called by my friend's as a Lycan & Vampire.. dunno why tho. but i do love the night and the full moon, they are so calming. The Winter is the best time of the year, cause it snow's and it's so crazy with all the things to do.. Snowboarding, snowball fights, snowangels.. funny i dont do any of them but the snowboarding ^_^. I am a major Sherlock Holmes fan, tho he is just a story charater i love to read his adventures.. i cant help but get into mystery type books. ^_^

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7