x - Porcelain R o s e - x

x - Porcelain R o s e - x's avatar

Last Login: 02/20/2023 4:17 pm

Registered: 06/29/2004

Gender: Female

Location: City of the Damned, Maryland

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The Mystery of the Enigmatic Mind

Welcome to my journal. Despite the title, my journal is not that mysterious. It includes some of my poetry, my rants, and things about my life. Enjoy finding out the mystery of the enigma known as Si...if you can understand my thinking.....


heart I'm a deviant heart
~*If you see something of interest in my signature that you'd like to know more about, like an RP or my shop, just give me a PM*~



((In the process of changing profile...))

Hi, my name is Sierra. I used to be "- L a d y S i -" but I changed my name again. This will probably be the last time.

If you've stumbled upon this profile, you've probably come from a post of mine either on GD, the Writer's Forum, or the RP Forums. If you must know, I'm 19 years old, in college, and yes I'm usually that way, both online and offline. I'm not afraid to be who I am and I do not look to fit in with anyone. Cliques and labels and stereotypes just aren't for me; in my opinion, I transcend them and so should everyone else. I really like the gothic fashion style, especially Lolita, but I wear just about anything. I don't mind being friends with anyone that I feel would be a good friend who wouldn't hurt me or do asinine things.

Here's some more indepth things about me:

Overall Personality
From what I can tell, I'm cynical, sarcastic, intelligent, and aloof but I still have a crazy sense of humor. I don't trust or like most humans and prefer to keep my friends to a small group of people. Though I don't seem like it most of the time, I'm very friendly and will help anyone if they needed it, even my enemies. I've been told that I can be quite abrupt in speaking and sometimes condescending, but I don't really care much about that.

Quick Background
~ I'm an African American teen from inner city Baltimore better known as "City of the Damned".
~ I've been through, and is still going through, a lot in life but I don't intend to give up. Once upon a time, I wanted to die, but I've gotten over that and I'm very proud of the obstacle I overcame.
~ I come from a Christian mother and an atheist father, and I am, for the most part, a Christian like my mother. I haven't found my purpose in life yet, but I'm sure I'm getting close.
~ My family is the most important thing to me. My best friends are my three cousins (one older, two younger). We grew up together and though we went our separate ways at one point, we just sorta found our way back together in the end.

Favorite Things
~ Cats: I absolutely adore those animals. Clever, independent, strong, sexy, and still super cute, these animals represent everything I am and want to be. I have two of my own and I'm taking care of my boyfriend's cat as well for the time being. I used to have four but two of them have passed away and I miss them both severely.
~ Guitars: My favorite instrument. You can do so many fun sounds with a good electric guitar. I want to really learn how to play one one day and maybe start my own band. Right now, I just have to settle for swooning over guitarists and listening to awesome guitar solos in my favorite songs.
~ Stars: I like stargazing though the city doesn't have much to offer. One day I'd like to go to a real observatory and see the planets through a telescope and see all the galaxies that have been discovered.
~ Roses: My previous favorite flower was the cherry blossoms, but they suck now. Just how they symbolize life and love they symbolize fragility, weakness, and death. Well, to me they do. Roses, however, are the kings/queens of the flower world and represent power. My favorites especially are the red and "black" roses, symbolic for love and death/hatred respectfully. I plan to send a "black" rose to someone someday....
~ Spring: I like 65-70 degree weather. Anything colder and I freeze because my body doesn't retain heat the way it should. Anything hotter I get sick because I don't respond well to heat. Not sure what's wrong with me. Plus, spring is the time of new beginnings; and who doesn't want new beginnings?
~ Mew: That's my favorite Pokemon...it looks like a pink, mutated kitty and is, in my opinion, the strongest of all Pokemon because of its wide variety of moves it can learn. If you wish to battle me on Pearl, you have to wait until I set up my Mew army! whee
~ Black: My favorite color. Not really sure why. I just love that color though I look so dull wearing it because of my skin color (it all just blends in).

Least Favorite Things:
~ Thunderstorms: I'm terrified of thunderstorms to the point its actually a phobia (as in, it interrupts my daily life). Though I guess its not thunderstorms I'm afraid of, its tornadoes, which can form from supercell thunderstorms. Whenever there's a thunderstorm, I hyperventilate and cry like a baby. Its embarrassing to be 19 and still afraid of thunderstorms, but hey, we all have something we fear, right?
~ Elitists: God I hate people like that. You know, people who think they know EVERYTHING and try to put you down because they think you don't. Its one thing to show your knowledge, its another thing to be pretentious and boastful about it.
~ Abusers: Anyone who abuses anything. I hate the thought of someone taking advantage of someone weaker than them or in a state of weaknesses. I am a strong advocate against animal abuse, elderly abuse, and domestic violence especially. I believe offenders should be stoned to death or receive the worst death possible. Their 8th Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment should be stripped for the horrors they've put others through. And I am dead serious.
~ Yellow: I hate this color with a passion. It burns my eyes every time I see it. I'm not sure why.
~ Tulips: I think they're overrated...simple as that.

Personal Dreams:
One of the dreams I've had since I was little was to be a published writer and win a Pulitzer Prize for Literature. Recently, I changed my mind and now I want to be an art teacher so I'm going to be changing my major. I realized that psychology isn't for me and that my real passion was in visual arts; like its always been. Overall, I really just want to do something that will help the world become a better place than this crappy shithole it is now.

Basic Appearance:
~ Height: 5'7"
~ Weight: Between 116lbs-120lbs
* Yes, I'm quite tall and rather thin. However, I still have curves just like any other woman (so fat =/= curvy thank you very much).
* I don't have a big butt and I don't have big breasts, so get that stereotype of Blacks out of your mind right now!
~ Complexion: Brown, I'd say about the color of creamy coffee (yummy)
~ Eye Color: Brown, though I wish they were blue
~Hair: Shoulder length and dark brown with purple and blue streaks (I love changing my hair around)

Relationship Status:
~ Currently: I'm taken and even if I wasn't, I'm not interested in online relationships. Sorry guys. My boyfriend is Neo Senku (the first person on my friendslist) and I couldn't be happier with him. He's my everything, I love him with all my heart, and I'm going to make this work this time. I really do plan to spend the rest of my life with him and if it doesn't work out that way, I hope that we can at least be friends forever heart .
~ General Standards: I don't do online dating. Its dangerous and desperate. I also don't date shorter guys or guys my height. Any race is beautiful as long as they are good peoples. Guitarists are awesome. Tall, dark, and handsome...strong and silent...dark and brooding...ya know, those stereotypes. Glad I found that all in one person!
~ Past: I have only had one boyfriend before Neo. It wasn't a very healthy relationship for either of us and we had to part ways.
.....To put it nicely......
I think I'm lucky to have only had one past relationship. I hope it stays that way.


View All Comments

prettyawesomeasian Report | 09/10/2008 10:00 pm
Hi there, I noticed you have not been on much, just wondering if you are still around...
Raver SpiderMan Report | 07/16/2008 8:30 pm
Raver SpiderMan

i <3 davis ^.^
GoodDevil1989 Report | 07/12/2008 2:18 pm
Oh your profile is so cute!


Sorry random comment.
Aka Meno Report | 07/09/2008 11:13 pm
Aka Meno
Baltimore no wonder you vented so much on the topics of gangs. Nice Avi though.
Ron Dickles Report | 07/06/2008 4:36 pm
Ron Dickles
mew is the best psychic pokemon EVARR.

elitists piss me off.

sweet avi.

yellow is sun puke D:
ladyarania Report | 06/28/2008 11:05 pm
Hello. I was just browsing a writer's forum (I think it was) and saw your avatar. It was interesting to me, so I clicked and then stumbled upon more interesting stuff in your profile. We seem to have quite a few things in common--one being that we're both from little ol' Maryland. (I haven't found many folks who at least know about Baltimore, let alone live there.) Maybe we can chat some time and see what else we share in common. See ya around.
Sweetpea The Tigress Report | 06/19/2008 3:27 am
Sweetpea The Tigress
HUH! I came to your profile to argue with you about what you posted in "For people with parents who dont really care about you!", and I read your profile and you sound so much like me that I am astonished... Except for the thunderstorms. I love them- they give me a shiveringly delicious sense of raw power... Also, I'm surprised that you describe yourself physically.
StrawBerryApple Report | 06/18/2008 12:47 pm
The lyrics are from Coldplay's new Album 'Viva la Vada'

They are from the song 'Lost?' <3
Nefas Fatum Report | 06/03/2008 10:39 pm
Nefas Fatum
Randomly popping by to say Hi
Nefas Fatum Report | 05/29/2008 7:36 pm
Nefas Fatum
lol, you're not talking too much. Be an interesting story to read.

Life in a paragraph:
"There are no raindrops on roses
Or girls in white dresses
Its sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
The shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things" -P!ATD

Raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'.

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me
Won't defeat me, it won't be long
Till happiness steps up to greet me.

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free, nothing's worryin' me.