
Andre Alexander || Single ||Freshman || May 25th, 1996™ || Football Player ll Knights #80

To all those who treat others horrible and scam people off for the ******** sake of pixels then ******** you all and i hope life treats you like you treat others!...

!!When You See My Tank Glowing !!
Please Dont Be Greedy And
Bump My thread To Share Wealth With Others. :]

Last Update Feb 11 Due to stupid via emails going in my inbox having to remove stuff and edit with new appropriate stuff.
Hello and welcome to my profile. Odds are, few people are going to read this, but I might as well write some stuff about me here.

First off, I'm a student. That means that School > Gaia. I can't be on Gaia 24/7 and honestly, I really wouldn't want to be on Gaia 24/7. As a corollary, Real life > Gaia as well. Granted, I don't have much of a life, so I'll most likely be on Gaia when I'm not doing things necessary for survival and school, but life takes precedence over Gaia. If you can't understand that, well you have my pity.

Secondly, please don't use my comments as a place to air your grievances against me. As much fun as it is to read how much you hate my guts and wish that I'd dip my computer into a vat of sulfuric acid while simultaneously shoving my modem through a table-saw, please refrain from expressing that here and just PM me. I'd like to believe I'm fairly amenable to reason and I freely admit that I do make mistakes. So if you've got an honest complaint, drop me a PM. Note, this doesn't give you leave to spam my PM box. If I don't respond in say, a week, then you can send me another, but for the love of whatever you hold sacred, I don't need a constant stream of PMs every 5 minutes asking me why I'm not responding.

Thirdly, don't ask me for donations. I am not rich.Therefore, I must earn my gold just as you do. I don't ask other people for donations, so don't ask me for them. Kay?

More to come later... maybe.



Viewing 10 of 12 comments.


Report | 06/29/2010 3:21 am


don't you like Durem? XD and you using this account or fuzhee?

Report | 06/29/2010 12:24 am


aww, that sucks. What lake you fishing in?

Report | 06/29/2010 12:20 am


nice, lol ^_^ do you get bored? and do you still fish?

Report | 06/29/2010 12:16 am


that is still quite a lot of gold lol XD do you play booty grab to make gold? or do you vend or something?

Report | 06/29/2010 12:11 am


oh nice, ^^ how much do 1 cost by itself?

Report | 06/28/2010 8:23 pm


so you want 17?

Report | 06/28/2010 7:32 pm


exactly, and if yo udon't have enough gold you can do that booty grab thing XD lol have you got all your lawnsharks?

Report | 06/28/2010 7:20 pm


yeah i know, but i mean you could do all that booty grabbing and you will get lots of gold and get more fish^^ and yo ucould also help get some items if you wnated^^

Report | 06/28/2010 4:45 pm


do you mainly do that because you want gold? also just wondering can you booty grab your own tank? XD lol and yeah if you booty grab your self you will make lots of gold XDDDD

Report | 06/28/2010 12:07 am


nice lol ^_^ you questing lawnsharks only? or are you questing more?