I depend on my imagination.
I dream, like you.
I wish until those wishes pile up and take me to the stars.
I smile.
I hide the tears, so others will shine.
I am that flower that will sprout into something beautiful.
Give me time and you will see.
I can be pretty humorous at times,
but then I can be serious. I'm hard
on the outside but soft in the inside.
I love to watch anime & read manga. I
am in love with books, any kind; fiction,
si-fi, romance, non-fiction, you name it.
I'm your typical fan-girl. I feel guilty
in the end. I do stupid things but think
also. I'm a geek at times, and I hate
Algebra. I get loads of homework from
History class but I love hitsory.
I live life with my eyes wide open
& try not to trip, but when I do trip
I stand back up. Be part of my realistic
dream, just don't try to kill, because
you'll be taking your first step
torwards hell. >///<
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Kawaii's LaLa Land
Welcopme to LaLa Land
Where I write random stuff and post items I've purchased ~do not steal I will chase you down e_e~ !
pm me about art, I love to buy . . ; u;
You'll find me in the CB, Mini shops, artfreebies, or art requests. Suki Desu bitches
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