iM RiCHELLE ANNE TiMBOLi've been part of this world for 13 yearz.. and currently in highscool! BLuh!
im freaky in my own sense but i'm also pretty down to earth.
Addicted to gamez.. and i LoVe aNime! XD
im nOt a nErD, fReAk, gOth, sOciAL, pRePpy jOcK, oR tEachEr's pEt.
I'm a jAr witHot a LaBeL aNd i pReFeR it tHat wAy.
@ MUSiCS !
iF u wANt to know mOre aBout mEh,.,
jUst AsK! i Dont Bite! XD
tHAtZ aLL! So Lazy To Type! LoL!
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It's perfectly fine that you are still contacting me!! Why wouldn't it be? lol {:
Don't worry you aren't being weird at all~
Either way the moral of this comment is, Your back and your one of my first friends so I care. T w T