❝ _____couldyoubehappytofall__
l i k e ___ a ___ s t o n e ___ i f ___ y o u ' d ___ l a n d ___ r i g h t ___ h e r e
_____safe in my ARMS, it's fine.
________________________ c o u l d y o u b e h a p p y i n m y a r m s ? ___❞
Nothing much about her....She certainly doesn't look like that though. She's not blond, and she's not so innocent looking. She just felt like using this photo to show her love for anime. Since anime is about pretty people. Well, not really. But hey, that's one of her silly ideas, so let her be!
She hates weirdos, even though she is one as well. She loves listening to music, especially if it's her favorite bands playing her favorite songs. Well duh! Anyone would love that. Only jerks won't. By the way, she HATES SCAMMERS.
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