Ergh... another human...?
Tch... whatever.
For the sake of Yuuri, I'll be docile... if only for a minute or two.
My name is Wolfram Von Bielefeld. I am the son of the former Maou... my mother.
I specialize in fire and though I hate to admit it, I have a hot temper. I don't tolerate many things so you'd better not tick me off or you'll find yourself in a bad situation.
For some reason I keep getting that awful 'pretty' compliment... I don't know whether to take it as insulting or flattering.

The new demon king is a wimp... but somehow I've grown to like him... even if he is partly human.

The fool slapped me across the face because of one small remark about his mother and now we're engaged.
Of course I show my faithfulness by staying by his side, and even sneaking into his room every night... he's my fiancé, he should learn to sleep with his spouse every night!

He's so ungrateful though... always running off to talk to pretty girls or good-looking guys... I can't believe him.
Even though he's a wimp sometimes... I still can't help but like him... it's hard not to...

If I can help it, I try not to be around humans... they're annoying. All they are is irritating.

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