Current Obsession: Anna "The Huntress"

Last Login: 09/20/2023 3:22 pm
Registered: 09/16/2005
Gender: Female
Birthday: 04/29/1992
Draw me with this sexy beast~
I am an Art whore. Feed my art Addiction!
"Keep Moving Forward" - Monty Oum
Art by: HitokiriChibi
Art by: yukiko347
Art by:Koujooba
Leave a message after the beep......BEEEEEEEEP
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Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Wolfie~~~~~~~
Happy Birthday to you!
You haven't been in the discord for almost a year,
so I didn't want to pull you there in case you're not
doing discord anymore, so I figured it would be safe
to say happy birthday here!
I hope you have a lovely day, and are doing well! emotion_bigheart
Lol, that's understandable. I feel like that every time I see a name I know.

Right? I was like "Oh yay! This doll finally has a listing. /bids 1p/ 12 hours later ... what the helk?! 20k plat? Why would you spend that much on a doll?!"
That's good at least!
I'm happy to have at least gotten most of the paw items I wanted for cheap and some other things. Didn't get the dolls that I wanted. But oh well.