Yea, That's a good guess. It's a lot like that, but there's a were-cat element that takes place and she instantly tries to destroy her tranformed immortal body.
That's ohkay. I just said that instead of making you a locker sign, (because I forgot almost as soon as I mentioned it.) I decided to give you your own personal army. Now you can surround yourself with powerful beings, just like you always wanted. Just click accept, and the glory will be yours forever.
Thank you. I had a more visually pleasing hat feather thing, but it wouldnt let me wear the turban and feather at the same time. :/ This is one of my best ones, I think.
lol, alright! Yea, that's a good way to look at it. XD that game was fun! Alli, Kris, Taylor and I all hung out in the gymnastics room and flipped on the spring board.
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can't wait till friday