Me: ummmm, yeah, this one costs extra...... like, alot extra.......... lol, jk. idk how 2 describe me exactly... i write poetry (badly) i cook (badly) and i garden (akll of my plants are dying
sad ....) apparently theres sumthin kool about me though, cause sum people just don't leave me alone (names and descriptions mentioned above.........) lol, jk. i luv all my friends (especiall u franz...
wink )and 4 sum reason they like me back (either that, or they jsut like following people...) i make alot of jokes, and most of what i do is just a big joke, to make people laugh. Apparently, though, due to my jokes my sexuality is being called into question, but i have to say, i am straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i make jokes because it makes people laugh, and thats about it....
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