hey there (: my name is whitney, but i welcome cute nicknames <3 the name 'whitpoo' has NOTHING to do with what people may think. i used to believe the cartoon character winnie the pooh was named whitney--- becoming my nickname... to which it eventually lost the 'h' (;
anyways, instead of talking about pointless nonsense, i'll tell you a little bit about me. i am an 18 year old girl who loves to have a good time! my birthday is november 14th, so be kind to me on this date, bitte (;
i speak semi-fluent german, and lived in german for a while! i LOVE it there! i've been to ireland, london, hungary, switzerland & austria, and LOVE to travellll! i love trying new things and being thrown into new cultures and ways of living. i find beauty in all of the little things in life, as well as the big. i'm easy to please (at least, for the most part ;D) and don't regret the things in life that i do. if you'd like to get to know me, please; don't be a stranger! i love new friends (:
i love:
hello kitty, sanrio, ramen noodles, concerts, raspberries (the fruit~), thigh-high socks, traveling, germany & ireland!, twizlers, video gammmmesss, the idea of love, the color pink, baking, drawing, painting, bike riding, community service/volunteer work, stuffed animals, being mature & childish ALWAYS at the right times, MUSE!, GREEN DAY!, TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB!, METRIC!, LIL WAYNE!, being a girly girl, college, red head boys with light eyes <3
i dislike:
liars, bugs, SPIDERS!, being alone, crying, anxiety, being nervous, darkness, putting labels on people, cliques, and well--- can't think of much else i dislike (:
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