
I'm obssessed with music.... I listen all the time. at least 8 hours a day, going to school, coming home from school, while doing homework, going to swim practice, coming back from swim practice, while falling alseep, etc... I love my family, parents strick sometimes, but it's to build character. Swimming is almost my life, 8 practices a wk in the school year, and 11 a wk in the summer. I'm normally on at 4 and 9ish(P.M.) and I check it everyday. I love food, I live for it. Not too into video games, but will play ocasionally, maybe once a month at a friend's house. More into cards, just plain cards. You dis a band I like or a friend of mine, you're screwed, dead, or wishing you were. Well, some ideas in here were taken from WhiTeAnGeL_TiGer21, but whatever, just give her some credit. narissesei is the one responsible for getting me into gaia so you don't like me, blame her for introducing me to this site causing you to see me. You hate the world, don't blame me or anyone else, blame yourself even if you still think its other fault. Just try to make things better and try not to trouble others. You don't have something good to say, then just shut the hell up. Try not to use foul language, I only do when I'm angry or at a concert but whatever, it ruins your character. Wow, this is getting to long, I think I'll stop typing.