Yo wuttup! I'm werewolf226 and I'm known amongst my friends as the hairy german! What can I say? GENETICS! ANYWAY! I love food, attention(girls only), video games, foolin around on Gaia, writing stories, daydreaming, building things-working with my hands, longboards, I wanna get more into paintball..., I'm an animal lover, a fan of paranormal stuffs, and did I mention I like food an attention? Just like my cat! If you ever wanna chat or write stories with me(sorta like a really long roleplay, only far more in depth and detailed with some logic and physics added)feel free to ask!Since I've written this I'm 18, and almost ready for college, where I plan to become an engineer and a computer graphics specialist. In the meantime I wanna try to make and sell custom longboards(I still need to make myself a press and find a source of wood veneer...)
Feel free to leave me a message sometime! I'm a great guy, unless I'm hungry...
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