heey guys
smile idk what to say. uh...random facts time!
i like anime
and manga =D
and noodles XD
and naruto =^_^=
and full metal alchemist
and milk
and emoticons
whee and pretty colors
and crackers
and cheese
and cheese and crackers (lol)
and grapes
and purple hair (long story)
and thunderstorms
and nice people
and talking to random people
and creativity
and chocolate ^_^
and music
and things with lots of buckles/buttons/straps/pockets
and art
and drawing
and cats
and cheesecake
and muffins
and cookies
and salmon
and shrimp :9 (don't you love how half of these are about food? haha)
and the internet
(but not computers D:< lol)
aand.... uh...clicky pens? idk, lol
and i love video games, even though (or maybe because?) i suck at them.... hahahaha (well its not my fault my parents won't let me get a gaming system.. T-T)
aanyways....uh...you can add me as a friend! ^-^ i like friends! lol
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