Hmmmm. If you're so interested, send me a PM, or visit my myspace:myspace.com/mewxming
*shrugs* domokun I love my Andrew-sama-weew wif all my heart pwease!
Last Login: 10/20/2010 10:47 am
Gender: Female
Ashwee's PokePet
Andariel the level 69 Lickitung!
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That girl, with the face, the hair, and that plays DDR.
Well, from what I've seen of my country so far, it's just great wherever you are. Of course the bigger cities are kind of a letdown at times if you're close to nature, but meh.
If you consider going here some day, even only for a short visit, you might want to stay away from Saxony or Bavaria. Not the best places for starters of our language, since the accents are really confusing, even for Germans ._.
So for states with a high percentage of Standard German, Lower Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg and maybe even North-Rhine Westphalia are the way to go.
Hahah, a friend of mine from Texas learns German with those language CDs right now xD
Not the easiest way, but it works so far.
Or you could simply take courses at your school or any other educational institution.
I see you have quite a huge chunk of my fave bands on your list too ^^
What a coincidence ;P