Hi thanks for coming! Enjoy these great elite items! Buy it cause you know you want it! IF I am NOT the "LOWEST" price pm me for a discount!
P.S. I do Not care about ABP
Feel free to add me as a friend xD
My usermade items Warzanes Laurel, Warzanes NHB, Warzanes Katana very limited copies left: accepting offers pm me or buy from my store
I am seeking pure gold offers but I also accept item trades in some occasions.
Items I may be interested in trading for: Project tickets(ANY) Og Plat dolls, 03,04 items. Adventure Time items/Dolls.
Discord: message me for faster response- warzane#2984 <(pm me link)
Snapchat: @Lvspec
Battlenet: (overwatch and hearthstone)- warzane#11265
Project Platinum Ticket submitted 11/16/2017
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