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The twelve f*** you's of Gaia online
Things I don't like about Gaia online and I see at least one of them every day.
I like socks and cabbages
19, male, live in Canada. All you need to know.
Also, this was me:

This is me now:

Wish I had a better picture, but oh well.
While you're here, check out my kick a** playlist that I change every so often. Also check out the earliest entry for the twelve f***you's of gaiaonline. For any and all members of my guild: The Straw Hat Pirates who come here, here's a message of friendship to you:
If you don't see the significance of this sign, then go check the Alabasta arc at the end. Look what I found guys:

Thanks fob-ee, I really do owe you one.
If you like what I did, please comment on it.

This is squidmilk
She does fansigns
Ask for one here.
For the guild, go here.
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sorry it took so long dude
and thnx~