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Hi My name is _____. I live in California and have alot of siblings. My sign is a Cancer and i love bacon , cheesecake , and rootbeer. My grades are perfect even though i cannot spell at all. I'm weird and different one of those main examples is how i speak. I purposely add S's at the end of some words, like stuffs. I love anime and i am learning Japanese. I love manga and anime. I will often say random stuff. I'm a crazy, loved, different, and weird tomboy.

My motto : I am a very nice person. People just like to piss me off


welcome,come in,make your self at home, gonna buy something today???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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Birthday: 07/16

what i have on why the hell do you want to know

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Star Queen Asuna Report | 07/24/2018 8:10 pm
Star Queen Asuna
then when ur parents went to ur room and said why did u steal my bf and u said to ur parents that u want to have a bf for ur own and plus ur mom said ur to young to have a bf and ur like 6 years old and then ur mom and dad said u cant have a bf and she said go clean up ur room and then ur parents said ur grounded and she said no more boyfriend and texting or going anywhere with ur friends also then when i arrived to ur house and then ur parents opens the door and i started to talk to them about u and then i told them that u said to me at school that i cant take ryoma echizen back with me and also u said to me sorry loser to me then ryoma echizen ask u something and he said do u want to want to be his gf and u said yes then i ask ur parents and i said to them i saw u and ryoma echizen hanging out with each other and holding hands and write a note and i love u after that u come down and then u hear the conversation then ur parents said go to ur room now and then u look sad and plus when ur dad saw u texting ur friends about the conversation that i told ur mom and dad and then ur mom and dad said give me the phone now and u gave them ur phone and ur parents looks at the conversation that i told ur parents and then ur parents said u are grounded and no more texting and then ur parents closed the door and then u cried and also when dinner is ready , u try to come down and sat down and eat and then ur look sad cuz ur parents took ur phone away from u after that u go upstairs and then go to ur bed and then ur sister is mad at u for stealing other people bf and then when it is morning time u walk to school and then i walk with my bf ryoma echizen and girls and boys and then u bump into me and i said watch where ur going and u said sorry and i said saying sorry isn't going to help and i said come on everyone lets get going or we'll be late for class by the way when we walk to class and then u walk to class also then the teacher said write ur goals on a paper and we started and i write my goal is be with my bf ryoma echizen forever and then my girls goals is to be with me forever and my goals is also to be with me then i look at ur goal said to join me so u want to be with popular just like me and then i said no way u can not join my group and then im mad at u for stealing my bf and i told ur parents about u and then u said it's my fault and i walk away with my girls and boys and i said to u are gross and patheic and when ryoma echizen trys to walk to u and u said ryoma echizen and he did not hear and i was there and i said don't think about talking to ryoma echizen again.
Star Queen Asuna Report | 07/22/2018 7:53 am
Star Queen Asuna
then once u go in ur room and then ryoma echizen goes up with u and then u took a nap on ur bed and then ryoma echizen got text from me saying that please break up with u and then once u woke up ryoma echizen said something to u that u and him cant be bf and gf cuz hes not ur type and then ryoma echizen walk out the door and then ur mom said what happen and u said ryoma echizen broke up with u and plus i said to ur mom and i said to her that u stole ryoma echizen from me and then i said to ur mom that u said to me that ryoma echizen is not going to back with me and then u go down stairs and u heard the conversation and then ur mom said to u that u are grounded and u can't play or do anything.
Star Queen Asuna Report | 07/19/2018 7:58 pm
Star Queen Asuna
plus i heard that u have a crush on this boy at school and then u blush and then the boy look at u then i look at u and i said hes not ur type and his name is ryoma echizen and ryoma echizen is the most popular boy in school and i said to u cant take him away from me or steal him beside when ryoma echizen ask me something and he said do u want to be my gf and i said sure after that when snack time me and my girls and boys and my bf ryoma echizen walk out and then u walk outside then u saw everyone playing and then me and my girls and boys and my bf walk up to u and i said why don't u play yourself and plus everyone started to stare at u and then laugh also ur friends told u that sorry that ur friends will be with me instead of u cuz u might take my bf ryoma echizen away from me or steal him and u told me that he does not like u and then u said im the mean bully and also u said that im mean and ur nice and then u said who do u chose to be with u ryoma echizen or be on ur own and after that when snack is over u walk to class with my bf ryoma echizen and then i went inside and sat down then when i look at u blush at ryoma echizen and also ryoma echizen ask u something and he told u do u want to be my gf and u said yes then i look shocked then my girls and boys and my friend ask me if i am alright then i said no im not cuz u stole ryoma echizen away from me and i said to my friends and he's now ur bf and plus then i said ryoma echizen then he ignore me and walk to class and then went inside and then sat down then when i look u wrote a note to ryoma echizen and the note said i love u and ryoma echizen gives the note back and u wrote a note said i love u 2 and then the teacher caught u 2 and then when its lunch time u and ryoma echizen hold hands then i saw u and ryoma echizen holding hands and then my girls and boys said why are sad and i said to them u and ryoma echizen are bf and gf now and everyone said is that ur bf and u said that yes , then i walk out of the cafeteria and sat down on the bench and also i cried cuz u took ryoma echizen away from me and then my girls and boys walk out and i said to them sit down with me and plus my girls and boys why are u upset then i said to them u took ryoma echizen away from me and then when i saw u and ryoma echizen hanging out with eachother and then u walk up to me and u said sorry loser ryoma echizen is yours now and i cant take him back and u said that ryoma echizen is not going back with me and everyone started to hear this and then my girls and boys lets move and then when lunch is over we go home and then u go home and open the door and then ur mom said how's school and then u said its great and then u said to ur mom that u have a bf now and its ryoma echizen and then ur mom said go wash up then get some rest.
Star Queen Asuna Report | 08/12/2014 7:20 pm
Star Queen Asuna
my girls always got back and they always be there for me no matter what happens and since i 'm the leader of the girls crew my girls wont let me down besides they always loved me and cares about me for who i am and they are like sister to me and i always loved my friends and my loved one and my best friends and my sisters
Queen of Daein Micaiah Report | 08/11/2014 3:36 pm
Queen of Daein  Micaiah
my crew is way better than u
Star Queen Asuna Report | 08/11/2014 9:23 am
Star Queen Asuna
your crew is lame and don't even think about screwing me and my friends
hey say jump lover1 Report | 02/02/2012 7:09 pm
hey say jump lover1
hey say jump lover1 Report | 02/02/2012 7:08 pm
hey say jump lover1
hey say jump lover1 Report | 01/28/2012 7:54 pm
hey say jump lover1
even inuyasha is not a good show talk2hand
hey say jump lover1 Report | 01/25/2012 5:24 pm
hey say jump lover1
my best friend is right my crew is better than yours and my crew is bigger and cooler , i also have a team name hey say jump lover1 talk2hand


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mee my body guard says im a fun loving outgoing girl with a great attitude and is too smart for my self thats why i have him

one of my most awsome friends she is kool and kind and i can always trust her she is one of the awsome ppl that got me hooked on japanesse anime

three words: over-protective , serous , and dangerous. he is like my bodyguard will protect me from hackers and danger and on zOMG he shoots everything when i need a shoulder to cry on i will never go to him because is exact words are always "tuffen up and take is like a woman"

a cool quirky funny good friend of my we make a great team

you wish you had friends as great as mine


i take iback i take it all back cant be madd at this b***h for that long lol this is my bffe so she needs to get on gaia more often

me and my crew screw with us and we'll screw with you

my awsome friend i wont let u do anything to hurt her as soon as she makes a complaint dont be mad if ur kidnapped by ninjas lol jk dont meess wit her tho

the funniest dude i've ever met we're best friends

my gaia sister and awsome friend who keeps it real doesn't hate i know her in real life too

He is the only one for me, No matter how many miles from me he is, I know he will always be there for me. He has it all. I dont want anyone else because there is no one better than him and no one can make me feel the way he does. (he desn't have a Gaia so i'll just set it here)