theres is ALOT to know about me...well, im not gonna say nearly all of it, so ill just go into the basics about me.
My name is Gino Michael McCoy, and i was brung into this living hell hole you all call life at 9:15 p.m. on july 9, 1994 in a shitty little town that i cant remember the name of anymore. ive been moving every 2 years of my life, except for when i moved into this town. so nopw i call this ******** living nightmare of a town belvidere, my hometown. i live in Illinois, by chicago. i have 4 very close friends who mean the world to me. thier names are Gary, Jess, Dustin, and Ostrowski. im a very emotional person and its easy to push me over the edge and cry. more later
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This week went by too fast. I can't beleive I go back to school tomorrow.
One of my favorites!
I watched Wristcutters.
We don't get to set up the christmas tree):
[I made sure not to say halloween this time...]
You must be so proud biggrin