
Last Login: 02/09/2011 10:56 am
Registered: 05/04/2007
Gender: Male
Location: Here
Birthday: 06/14
Occupation: Computer Repair
- Character - 4/4
- Originality - 3/4
- Theme - 3/4
- Memorability - 2/4
- Suitability - 2/4
- Total - 8/10
Strength - 5/10
Defense - 5/10
Speed - 5/10
Stealth - 4/10
Status - 7/10
Magic - 5/10
Morality - 3/10
Happiness - 2/10
Maturity - 10/10
Confidence - 5/10
Outgoingness - 4/10
Intelligence - 7/10
You are the night tactician.
You sell you're skills and talents with army combat to the highest bidder. You have twisted you're way out of many situations bending the odds to you're favor and waiting to strike until the time is perfect. You have served many masters and have won many wars, none can match you're superior plans and strategies.
You wield a slick silver rapier.
It's hilt is inlaid with a golden slit for every war that you have won. The rapier was crafted to suit you're desires, it is shorter than the average rapier sacrificing defense for speed. You are willing to get close to you're opponent in order to neutralize him quickly and efficiently. You strike quickly and with agility favoring speed over strength.