As you can see from my wish list below I like collecting shirts from Gaia stores. And I find the price from the marketplace to expensive. So if ya' have a kind heart please PM if you could sell me a shirt with a lower price. I know it sounds cheap but, Hey! Its what you call a collection. XD
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And start it whenever you'd like. -nods-
it's not much but they aren't worth much Either XD
And actually I'm taking all colors, white and pink the most along with yellow >D
Hey, do you have any inks? I'll gladly pay you for them c:
I'm on a quest for white body dye and junk like that XD I need 500 of each .n.'
I told her 20k tip c: and It wont take long to make the money, only a little longer.
I play bootygrab ewe XD