Sup dowg?The name is Frankee, but you must call me the all mighty ruler.
Or, even Jesus is fine with me. Because, we all know
Jesus has awesome-tastic hair. I mean come on, have you
seen it? It's so fluffy an- Erm...anywho.
I hate possibly every human being on the so, called "Earth".
Except for my Sexy pants, I lovee her. She is oober delicious.
Annd, you know....we can make some preetty awesome babies.
But, then there's always the problem, of me eating them with
my toast and froot loops in the morning.
You know, the usual.
I'm not going to be like all those other, awkward people in
the world, and start talking about 'oh my gowd I am like totally
like super sexy, and like message me m'kay?"
No, thats not how I roll...or in this case, surf the inter-web.
No, definately not.
I don't like you, and most likely I don't want to talk to you.
I am a very insane, person.
Literally speaking.
So, if you don't want me to jump through
cyber space with a spatula, and rape your fish.
Then I think it'd be best, if you just kept all your
problems to yourself. M'kay?
Great, glad I could help.
Oh, and here is a little something for clicking adventure.
Oh, and if you don't like my little blurb thingy,
well thats okay because, I don't like your pants.
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