x-I'm sarah
x-I rarly go places
x-I am pretty much useless
x-I'm told i'm crazy
x-I daydream alot
x- I have a bad memory
x-I giggle at nearly everything
x-Trees with no leafs are gorrgeous
x-I stare at blank walls
x-I love poking people's noses.
x-My friends are the best people in the world! and couldnt live without them!
x-I like walking in rain it makes me hyper!
x-I prefer head aches to colds 'cause i hate sniffing
x-I wear eyeliner all the time and never go out without it!
x-I dont like a tidy room
x-I Hate chickens and i am very scared of them!
x-Music is just great and cant go a day without listening to it
x-Homphobic people can die!
x-It annoys the hell out of me when I have my feet on a chair and someone moves it. grrrrr
x-Red Bull taste like heaven hehe and makes me hyper!
x-Silver duck tape just looks so damn good!
^~^_Matt Zane(Lord)... is God!!!_^~^
x-Thats me
-xx- Other pics are in journal
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