Hey!!! I realize that my profile was created a long while ago but i just recently started using it. First of all must say that there are just too many awesome things to buy here. You can always find me in the market. Favorite game to play here is jigsaw, yet i don't own any in real life. I love to meet new people whether in person or online. but i don't mean meeting online people in person. Let's see more about me... I am 17 years old and am looking forward to graduating. I have 2 cats and they are just funny to watch. I love to discuss but don't like our large English dicussions. Just looking for some fun, so message me with whatever you please!!
I just love my PS2. I mainly play Castlevania, FF, or KH.
and here's Hector!!!
I want to make one for so many different characters.!
Here are my eggs! please Click them, i don't want them to die... You don't want to be responsible? Do YOU?
My friend and I were sitting in English one day when I decided we should play a game... I write 3 words then she did. Well this is what we produced! Mind you my friend has a dirty mind...
I heart ghoti
If you understand, PM what it means and I'll give you a gift. If not then ha!
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