The forums are giant strings of message boards divided into different categories. People post to chat and discuss things relevant to the forum. So, if you want to talk about Lake Kindred things or ask questions about it you can go to the Lake Kindred forum and post a new thread or post in an already existing thread if your comment is relevant to the thread. As for the picture about the Gaian and being asked what they're wearing, that's a CAPTCHA designed, in theory, to make sure that you are human and not a bot that's automatically playing the game for you. It's a little faulty because at times it can be difficult to figure out the items.
Hi there, what kind of advice are you looking for? You didn't specify. I'm not sure if I can help but if it's about Lake Kindred (I'm assuming that's how you found me?) I might be able to answer some questions.
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just eat a s**t ton of soup tbh
; n ;
Oh yes, my signature. I haven't played Pokemon Y in a while now but I've left up the picture anyway, haha.