
VivianCogsworth's avatar

Birthday: 03/21


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I'm an art student at the moment for Visual arts. Not an art student at a college but a High School. I like both traditional and digital art very much. I'm very interested in costume design and period pieces. I love Edwardian, Victorian, and the 20s time period.

I love movies, manga, and comic books very much. I'm an avid movie goer, and have a great knowledge of movies. I'm like imdb with legs.

Yeah...there's more about me just too much to type so I'm going to end it now.

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Ero-Grotesque Report | 12/26/2009 4:23 pm
Oh really? That is really cool,do they teach it at your school?
Ero-Grotesque Report | 12/26/2009 4:14 pm
I can speak a bit but no I'm not Russian.
II Shaya II Report | 12/26/2009 4:00 pm
II Shaya II
I go on Orange wednesday's, I mooch of my partner ^^

I may have heard of it, as the name sounds similar though...

II Shaya II Report | 12/26/2009 3:40 pm
II Shaya II
It's gotten mixed reviews over here. People are eyeing it like the James Bond of Sherlock Holmes. Getting a re-invention.

I'm a movie-gigolo, I can't not go once a week ^^

II Shaya II Report | 12/26/2009 3:33 pm
II Shaya II
Yes, the movie was very action-y, sad to say. It was good at times however.

Robert Downey Jnr. made a nice attempt at Sherlock though.

Phantus Report | 12/26/2009 8:01 am
Ok, cool.
I'll find someone else to draw me ;p
Phantus Report | 12/26/2009 6:50 am
Excuse me, but is their any chance that you could draw me for a price?...
II Shaya II Report | 12/26/2009 3:16 am
II Shaya II
Then it shall be a splendid tea paty then ^^

Tis okay, I'm used to the randomness, but I'm leaving shortly to go see a poorly-recieved adaptation of Shelock Holmes. So I shall speak to you later maybe ^_^

Add me if you'd like.
II Shaya II Report | 12/26/2009 3:10 am
II Shaya II
Oh my, I would love to have one ^^

Will there be cucumber sandwhiches?
dr_frozen Report | 12/26/2009 1:25 am
hey i kinda got interested on your sig.
do you have an art shop.?
or you only do commision.?


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Offering Chibis like the one above.
Min. Bribe 25k - there's effort in them ^^
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