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Name: Visenkha, you can call me Vi for short. I'll tell you my real name if I feel like it. So deal with it.

Current Location: Boone, NC

Occupation: College student. Currently enrolled at Appalachian State.

Major: History. And no I don't plan on teaching.

Anyway, I'm a little shy when you first meet me but once I get to know people I tend to open up and get a little weird. I love funny people and I'm a big fan of stand-up comedy so if you can make me laugh then I'm pretty sure we can be friends. I love horses and I've been riding since I was 6. Right now I'm riding for the ASU equestrian team and I'm having a blast! I also enjoy sailing/boating, snowboarding and reading. I should also let you know that I have kind of a dark mind and an interest in the morbid so if that bothers you I'm sorry. You'll often find me hanging out in the Art Fourms or in the Word Games Forum. Feel free to talk to me! I don't bite...hard. whee

I love art, so if you feel compelled to draw me or one of my lovely oc's I will love you for ever and maybe I'll even return the favor. wink

My latest creation:
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Viewing 12 of 171 friends


Lady Defiance's rambling randomness

My title says it all. It's just a place for me to write really random things that happen in my life. And just to let you know my spelling is really bad. I would use a dictionary but I'm to lazy. So please bear with me.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lofty Ambition

Report | 06/19/2024 7:33 pm

Lofty Ambition

Sakura Kotoni

Report | 07/09/2017 1:48 pm

Sakura Kotoni

Thanks for buying~ heart
Sebastian Killian

Report | 05/25/2017 7:24 pm

Sebastian Killian

Happy Birthday! yum_cupcake
Gwion Vaughn

Report | 05/22/2017 12:57 pm

Gwion Vaughn

Happy Birthday! yum_icecreampie
Sebastian Killian

Report | 05/13/2015 11:54 pm

Sebastian Killian

Happy Birthday! yum_cupcake
Gwion Vaughn

Report | 05/13/2015 11:23 pm

Gwion Vaughn

Happy Birthday! yum_icecreampie

Report | 05/12/2015 6:02 pm


Happy Bithday- Also, nice avatar!
Hypatias Tragedy

Report | 05/12/2015 5:35 pm

Hypatias Tragedy

Happy Birthday

Report | 05/12/2015 12:12 pm


heart Happy Birthday! heart


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