Hello. My name is Jason.
I'm your usual teenage male.
Well, maybe not.
People call me weird.
I don't care.
People don't like me.
I don't care.
Some people care about me,
love me,
and are there for me when I need it.
And that's what matters.
Because I'm me.
I'm no clone of someone else.
I'm me.
I like who I am.
But then I wonder
Who am I?
I am a student.
I am an artist.
I am a musician.
I am a composer.
I am a writer.
I am me.
I like being me, even if others don't like the fact that I do.
They can go to hell.
I like a lot of things.
I like dark places.
I like quiet places.
I like having friends.
I like having enemies, too.
I like being there for people.
I like caring.
I like the beautiful things in the world that aren't usually thought of being so.
I like rainy days.
And to be honest,
I like the people I don't like.
The people that hate me in every way possible.
The people that would rather see me dead than breathing.
There are a few things I don't like.
I don't like crowds.
People are fine, but crowds scare me.
I don't like heights.
I don't like spiders.
And that's who I am.
I may not be the best.
I may not be the greatest, most wonderful person out there.
But that's who I am.
And the people who mind don't matter,
and the people who don't mind matter.
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