From the beginning of time, humanity has always wondered about its creation, and how it all ends? The Mayans always predicted the end of time to occur in the year 2012, but never happened. When the people of the world realized how foolish they were into believing something of such nonsense, they stopped thinking about the end of everything; so their guard was let down for many of years. As centuries pass on by, the world had been experiencing something strange. The world had many wars, but there has been an increase of unknown enemies nonexistent to any state or country. So the people of the world gathered together to a meeting called, The National Ordeal. This meeting was to gather leader members in every single country in the world to figure out why such enemies are attacking our nations, and for that matter, who exactly, or what? The National Ordeal made an agreement and a deal to help with their unknown problem, so they put all of their power and wealth together to create a new army, something to withstand the new enemies of the world. They called this army, The Guardians. This group had technology at its finest and put their troops to their limit and beyond. In the year 2167, the people of the world had come to name their enemies that have been slaughtering there people for decades. Troops and citizens called these enemies, the Phantoms, because they seem to be from out of a fiction book. Slaughtering people as giant tentacles, which explode from under the earth to crush and destroy cities, and with scrub creatures that have no relevance to any species that we have ever seen on Earth. The religious people of the world thought to give these enemies a more proper name, by calling them Demons. By the year 2460, the earth is at its limit and can’t bear much more hardship and with a very few Guardians remaining; the human population hanging from a thread. The world has never experienced such devastation and chaos ever before, so the Guardians know that if they truly wanted to end the war, they would have to go to source and stop it all. At the time, the Phantoms were all under control by a dictator type of figure, Leader Cryner, one of the more evolved Phantoms. One of the few groups left to fend off the Phantoms were the Delta Squad consisting of six members, General Bradic, Sato, Exile, Yin, Mage, and Vexiino. Once these men made it to the Phantom Hive Mine everything seemed to go to hell, and the bodies of four of the six men were found with the corpse of Cryner. No one has ever seen Vexiino nor Exile for many years ever since that long ago day, but whatever they have done, they had made the world a slightly better place… for now.