
I'm 19, blond hair, blue eyes. I play Soccer, Piano, Drums, Sing in Honors Choir and love to have fun. I've had some trouble in my life because of some of that fun but I've past that and I'm never going to look back. I love the people around me now. I've made better choices. I graduated in 2013. I'm great at drawing. I've been tattooing for awhile now. I have 9 tattoos at the moment but I'm hoping to get more in the near future. My friends are quite the bunch. They make it where I don't have to be bored. I'm always busy. We all have eachothers backs and it'll always be that way. If you want to know anymore just ask me in a le message.

-----Are YØU Ready?


Vexed_Shadow's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Miami, Oklahoma

Birthday: 06/24


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1,000,000 Gold Mark hit May, 2nd 2012
2,000,000 Gold Mark hit May, 26th 2012
1,000,000,000 Gold Mark hit June 24th 2014 (When I came back after all the inflation)


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carpenter brut Report | 11/22/2012 6:35 pm
carpenter brut
I have a higher offer. Do not comment me about deals.
Sir Natal Report | 11/03/2012 8:42 am
Sir Natal
Nope sorry, only accepts -2% tax </3
siogeth Report | 11/02/2012 12:34 am
The store clerk bows

"Thanks for buying, please come again smile "
The Real Koyo Report | 08/03/2012 6:50 am
The Real Koyo
Brett! I miss you to no ends heart
Almost three years!
Only 4 months and twenty-four days to go!(:
Tbh ldc Report | 06/28/2012 6:43 pm
Tbh ldc
You are very welcome Brett(x
Tbh ldc Report | 06/24/2012 3:51 am
Tbh ldc
Happy Birthday Brett!(:
I hope you have a wonderful birthday((:
Astora Knight Report | 06/03/2012 9:23 pm
Astora Knight
Yeah I think so. If it shows no sign of doing so though I'll try and cut you that deal.
Astora Knight Report | 06/03/2012 10:39 am
Astora Knight
Yeah thanks, I'm expecting it will take a few weeks for it to get back to that price but I can wait.
Astora Knight Report | 06/03/2012 10:27 am
Astora Knight
Sorry I spent 1.6 on it a few days ago and I want at least that much back. Usually I am up for haggling prices but I'm staying firm on this one.
Atlas Fenrir Report | 05/27/2012 4:19 pm
Atlas Fenrir
You signed off and I got tired of waiting. So it's already been sold.