I'm a Texan born & bred.I'm a really weird electic person. I LOVE Star Trek, Stitich, & Hatsu- hottie Haru (Fruits Basket) oh, & Worf! I like to crochet, write, read, do archery, go horse- back riding, grappling, MMA, play my violin, Kung fu, sparring, Tai Chi, submissions grappling, lapidary, faceting, Girl Scouts, S.P.U.R.S., cycling, running, duathalons,yoga. I collect coins, teddy bears, stuffed animals, stamps, pressed pennies, books, star wars burger king toys, Star Trek memoribilia, anything Stitch, & Worf action figures.
I've been to the Star Trek convention in Vegas (o7'). It was a blast.
I got to meet Barry Jenner, Connor Trineer, saw tons of Star Trek actors/actresses up close like Chase Masterson, Terry Farell, Garett Wang, saw others like Shatner and Nimoy. Besides that I got to see the marvelous Star Trek Experience one last time.
And I have to say that I do NOT like the new Star Trek movie whatsoever- because put it simply. I do not believe it to be like Star Trek.
Things I've done this summer (2009)....
Spent a week in Washington D.C.
Saw Night At the Museum 2: Battle at the Smithsonian AT the Smithsonian (Air & Space)
saw Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
Saw Harry Potter 6: Half Blood Prince w/ 2 of my best friends
Applied to at least half a dozen places
And I stood up to a guy who keeps messing w/ my feelings.
This summer (2010)
Went to Europe
Sometimes I'm shy... sometimes I'm not. It depends on the scenario and the person (s).
I am a hard-working AP student who has many high aspirations. I am also the type of girl who when I say what I want my profession to be I am usually given a questioning look or a "What's that?"
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I tend to still like Tennant, but Matt I'm rather warmed up to.
He's a bit like the Classic Doctors in my mind, perhaps better.