Varjokanis are small rabbit furries who enjoy hugging and being small.
| Varjokani | バリオカニ | Shadow rabbit | 影うさぎ| 1994 | Female | Single | Straight | Furry | Christian | wannabe Digital artist | Hug addicted creature |
.. I may or may not have lowkey crush on Rocket.
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You can find me from social media! Yay!
About me ~
I'm straight female 1994 furry who loves Watership down and animal fantasy in general. I also have ADHD, and human phobia. I also have a crush on Rocket Raccoon.
I believe Jesus and I believe he loves everyone.
Many people say I'm easy to make friends with but I 'm not so sure about that. I usually just want to be friends with everyone ( yes I'm really stupid).
I usually hang out in social media (Twitter etc), or then I hang at Gaia's forums.
I just feel that url is safe way to get to know people. That way I can curl up in my bed any time I feel panic attack coming and no one will notice me.
rabbit | raccoonatic | ♀️ | Christian
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