Everyone calls me Lunabelle but Luna is just fine. I'm very outgoing and honest, which I see has become a dying breed now a days
blaugh . I love meeting new people who actually want to be my friend. I'm not one for being lied to. It's actually a pet peeve of mine. I like playing any and all games with my friends and if you ever feel like joining in go right ahead. I love role playing so if you ever feel like you want to role play just message me. The more the merrier n.n I take great pride in my family and in my friends, so try not to be mean to them. I wouldn't want to have to turn from fun loving to beyond scary. I'm a Fairy Tail fanatic and I've had the honor of being accepted into the guild. It's a little crazy at times but I can't help but to love my guild and everyone in it
4laugh . I accept everyone because no one wants to be friends with someone who judges them before they even know them. Besides people turn out different then from what you were expecting. Other than all that I'm very friendly and I love having messages, comments, or anything left for me to reply back to. If you want to know more about me or what I like doing and things like that, then feel free to ask me
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