
=^_^=what their is about me is that I like anime. like naruto, kingdom hearts, cardcaptor, death notes, mermaid melody, final fantesy, and LOTS MORE. I injoy music alot with my friends. I
don't like boys that are allways near me all the times. And
to tell you, i'm not that tepy of girl, like girly and all that stuff.
I hate it when girlys make fun of me. But I do like animals alot.
even when you have to be with girlys all the times.

but the best things in life is that you can bother then. HA! One day in school when i was in 3ED grade i hit this girl in the face and she started to be so made at me, she kicked me hard, so instead of kicking or hiting her i bit her in the neck. i know what you mit be thinking, "your a vampire right". O.KONE AND NOT GOING TO BE ONE. but sometimes i feel like im one. ok so the girls name is stephanie verila.

I'm sometimes (EMO) that one day i was bleeding all over my body
I even had blood in my mouyh, alot of blood. I cut myself alot, well sometimes i cut myself.

So you want to know things about me. OK, so in school all my class mates hates me so badly, but one kid dosent, he thinks im cute and all that. One day he ask me out and i sade .............."No thank you im good alone, by myself." I sometimes bit people when they bother my so much. so i go on running away from them. so that i dont bit them. so i like anime, snow, summer, darkness places, and sometimes biting and kicking people so much. i so times bit myself, so that i can bleed. Well feel free to ask me questionsabout me if you dear to ask my i well ask you for your blood of yours.


