
My username is Unborns And Angels.
It's based on two of my favorite video game characters.
It is NOT Unborn Sand Angels.
As freaky as those would be.

Hello! You've reached Jau's profile. It was made by Laila who will come up later in this. She is awesome. The only information you will get out of this profile is I roleplay, I leave my computer alot, I get distracted a lot, there's a lot of things I hate and there are a few awesome people out there in the world.

List of awesome people that needs to be edited:
This is my boyfriend in denial.

This is my crazy friend who made this awesome profile.

This is my...umm...how should I put it nicely...weird...yes that will work, sister.

This is my sister's friend who tags along in zOMG, NEVER HAS DEFIB and spazzes at cosplayers.

I DO roleplay, though in the past like year or so I've hardly made any move to find new people besides the people I've been RPing with for like ever.
So, if any stranger sees this and wants too, feel free to PM me. : D
[ Also an new ideas for RPs are nice. I don't have many and most are over-done or basic. D: ]

As far as my rules for RP's goes:
My reply can be a paragraph to only one line. Sometimes it's HUGE but that's only if something dramatic is happening, most of the time I've been replying with a range between 1 and 3 lines though...
Also, if you reply with a paragraph most of the time I will reply back with a paragraph also.
[ In other words semi-literate. ]
Just as long as I can pull a reply outta what you wrote that's long.
Sadly, I can't do more then 1 paragraph reply though. I'm not even that good at RPing really...so, again if anyone sees this and wants to try I'm all for it.
Just NO ONE start with "hello there *hugs you and kisses your lips softly* Whats up hun?" something stupid like that, I want a good starter with just a lil description of the character or a picture because I include a picture and sometimes a little more on my character [or I explain why she/he looks a certain way or if something is wrong.]

My hate list:
I do not want random friends. Just cause I say, bought an item from your store doesn't mean I want to be friends. If I want to be your friend, I'll either ask you or send a request. Simple as that.

Beggers. I hate beggers. Yes, I have awesome stuff, no I will not give it too you for 10k and some item worth another 10k. No, I will not give you my hard earned gold so you can get that Coco plushie you've been wanting for two minutes. Earn gold yourself.

Well, that seems to be it. The chances of this getting updated soon are like .00000000000000000000000001%
So yeah...BYE! : D

Lol. Me and my sister tried to make Batman and Robin.

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Viewing 12 of 33 friends


Spazzy's Random Crap

The title says it all. 8) No really, it does. Don't believe me, look through it. Duh, cause Spazzy = Random!! >P


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

A Grumpy Bear

Report | 09/27/2017 12:56 pm

A Grumpy Bear

...I need you to send the RP again
bashfully defiant

Report | 01/17/2016 8:33 pm

bashfully defiant

hello blaugh

Report | 02/24/2014 9:28 am


Thanks for buying smile
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 7:15 pm

Mr Pyong

what happened during the semester?
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 7:04 pm

Mr Pyong

well how goes the relaxation of summer?
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 6:58 pm

Mr Pyong

lol take those memories to heart then, they will make history i dare say x3
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 6:56 pm

Mr Pyong

Not a single one, you were the last person I ever role played with, and that was forever ago XD
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 6:51 pm

Mr Pyong

nice, still rping up a storm?
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 6:29 pm

Mr Pyong

I be here, doing the same ol' stuff I've always been doing
how have things been? :3
Mr Pyong

Report | 08/14/2013 6:22 pm

Mr Pyong

Yo girl, where you at?