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UC Poika

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Last Login: 06/20/2013 6:10 pm

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Birthday: 02/11


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UC Poika Report | 01/10/2013 6:09 am
UC Poika
Copyright 2013 UC Poika

Delete this story. Do not read under any circumstances the extreme lack of brilliance herein. It is silly, it is inane and it is serious, but it is mine, I created it, and I alone am totally responsible for its content. Don't, I repeat, do not blame the publishers for publishing this okay?

It all came to me one day when I was just a kid. I asked God what "now" was all about and I saw in a vision a tiny vortex, a weird little flaw in the perfect world and all of change came into being because of that one little tiny flaw. And I asked God what I was like and I looked out the window of the car I was riding in and watched it snow and I viewed each snowflake I could see wondering which one he thought to be me. Then one fell but it did not fall in a straight streak like the others but bent at a right angle and when I took a closer look I saw it was not white at all but amber, and I realized at that moment I was like the odd snowflake among the abundance. Then I asked later when we had arrived at our destination what it meant for his spirit to hover now, and I looked up and saw a sparkling amber ring in the sky and it was alive and it was looking for someone to fill the center of its ring so that it could be an amber cloud, for what it really was, was the sides of a vortex lit by some mysterious light for it whirled round and round as the vortex inside it searched in vain for me. Then I realized the vortex was like an eddy in a stream I had seen except that it was not a stream at all, and that the earth is only a vortex constantly drawing matter to it so that it appears to be a ball of matter, but even that is like the vortex of a sink being drained as the world turns, and as it draws the moon into its clutches, and the two together are being drawn into the sun and the sun is being drawn in to some central location in the Milky Way, and the Milky way into some central location in the galaxy system it is part of and that system is being drawn into another system of galaxy systems and hopefully there is no end to it, but there is; the entire universe is going down the drain, because the Devil pulled the plug, and that is what now is all about then.

Now, there is a vortex in my mind that sucks in information from the world and it draws in information like the above analogy, and your attention if you are close enough to be effected by it, is drawn into it like debris is being drawn into the vortex in the water going down the sinkhole in my brain, and it is all being drawn into the nothingness that was in my mind before my brain became a sinkhole sucking in all of the information in the world that follows me, for I fell and everything else in the universe is following me even the Devil who holds the plug in his hand, and everything else, heading to a point the size of the smallest period I will ever be able to imagine existing, the beginning of a whole newer level in sinkholes as down everything goes in your minds that draw in all this information, as it draws your bodies now as it is mine, and as it draws the places you call there by whatever name you call them, and the places beyond them, all of us collectively taking in all the information we can until we are gone down that drain, all us together reduced to smaller than the smallest dot we can imagine where eventually everything else is going to be.

The Big Bang has not happened yet. But it will and we are not being spewed out of the center, but drawn back into it, forever, the light from it the only thing we can see of it! And, that simply because it traveled faster than everything was drawn in, some of it approaching the speed of light itself. It will happen. You just wait and see. It will.

Now? Where the hell is that delete button. Yes, here it is.

Ever wonder where things go when you delete them? Don't just delete this and never give it another thought. It was only useless information that wasn't even real, but fiction,
UC Poika Report | 12/09/2012 12:34 am
UC Poika
I've started adding my novel The Wayward Stranger to my journal.
UC Poika Report | 11/22/2012 1:40 am
UC Poika
emotion_zombie “Why are you eating that crow?”

Acloch merely looked at the source of those words with a look that seemed to say he had no intention of sharing, for he was not eating the crow so much as the worms that had brought it down. He had thought it might be his pathetic bow and arrow made without expertise from a weeping willow branch and a piece of kite string; the arrow itself, a dried box elder that grew out of the foundation of the abandoned church on second street, but he knew it hadn’t even reached the slow, low flying bird that had barely topped the green poplar saplings in which he had hidden here having never really expected his weapon would yield prey. However, there it was, a fallen crow and it fell due to his archery, but whether it was the upsetting apparent attack by the youthful hunter, or the point of the makeshift arrow that brought the bird down made no difference; here before him lay a crow that upon further investigation proved to be nearly consumed by a mass of worms, a veritable writhing ball of worms in fact that virtually replaced all of the prey’s inner portions. Delicious, tasty and his, the worms were a special delicacy he was sure not about to share.

Finishing he threw the bird at his sister, a squeamish little ghoul, only recently infected with the so called zombie virus from outer space. She caught it. She squealed. She tried not to look, to flee; to keep it away from her face even. It was to no avail, the reanimated soul stealer plucked at her eye, severing the tendons that held it in place and it fell, as distracted, the bird looked down only to have the girl bite its shiny black head off, and let its body fall, finding feathers fully dissatisfying.

Then seeing she had lost an eye Acloch picked it up, looked his baby sister in her remaining eye and popped it in his mouth, chewed it a bit then swallowed it.

“Ma! Brother ate my eye!” she screamed and ran for her mother who was busy hungrily chewing on the fat of her father’s arm again while the feral fiendish paternal provider gnawed on the gristle of the nose of the friend they had for supper, wondering what wily work would keep the famished family in food now that those not infected were so few, the zombies had foolishly followed their appetites and begun to feed on fellow ghouls while wiping his cheeks with an old newspaper with a headline that read, PRESIDENT ACLOCH ZOMBIE VIRUS VICTIM.
UC Poika Report | 02/13/2011 3:13 pm
UC Poika
I Grant U greevee you are a friend in deed
UC Poika Report | 12/28/2010 11:37 pm
UC Poika
the mag I now edit is out for Jan. 2011
UC Poika Report | 09/15/2010 5:51 pm
UC Poika
by UC Poika

What if the world came to know
The things you hide so well so deep inside
For example that bubbling vat of all your fears
Don't let them in! Don't let them bring in shame!
Society reeks with the shame they cause you though,
Your failures like corpses you drug in here to hide
Like rain storms hid but never rid your tears
Don't let them in! They'll think that you're insane!
My God I'm inside your mind! Don't hurt me please!
I'll never tell even if they give me hell,
I'll never tell! Instead I'll speak of this breeze
As if it had a heavenly scented smell;
Let me go! They'll never know that you're diseased!
Set me free! I shout; my own madness also thus increased!
luvd_n_forgotten Report | 08/20/2010 9:16 am
ReignOblytehria Report | 08/18/2010 8:41 am
oh no its fine, im just glad that your back buddeh XD
ReignOblytehria Report | 08/18/2010 4:50 am
lol its been a while mister, nice to have you back, i missed your words, rereading the others you've written werent as good as having the fresh ones right under this comment, im sure that more than just me is happy, again, welcome back! 4laugh
UC Poika Report | 08/18/2010 4:41 am
UC Poika
Hello out there where the electrons flowed
It is I. I am back you see. To write for you too.
As from a great abyss though chained to a novel book
With clouds in black coffee cups blue as the sky...
Where vanity howls at icons that never showed
In sites where little is dear and naught fond of you,
And where every cranny leaves some schnook or crook
There upon the earth a sneer or a smirk... but why?
Why laugh? Why cry? Why swear or curse the Net?
This world is, as the world's degenerates see,
A place to make a killing and without killing yet!
A place to let your mind hang in anonymity !
But also I think, a place behind a mask,
To be me, a fair and honest guy! A most burdensome task!




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My real name is John and I am a writer and a poet. I have written novels, short stories and many poems. I also like Death Note and Jonathan Coulton alot. I am 58 years old--old enough probably to be your grandpa... but don't worry I try to be cool. You too! Well that's that then. Love Gaia.


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When I was younger I heard of a family that required each member to state what they had learned that day at meal time. I plan on sharing something I have learned everyday, not only as a matter of dicipline but as a matter of growth


the way you take it