Any time you want to battle or trade, then just tell me. I can get you any pokemon you want from the game. It can be legit, hack, or action replay.
Any ways my jet has wifi. I'm gonna get on it at 6:00. I'm heading to hawaii. I'm bringing my labtop and gonna check gaia off and on. Any ways see ya.
Hey I just noticed that I do not have any more contageous pokemon with pkru. May I try and get some from my friend tomorrow and give them to you? I have a bunch that already have it but they are not able to spread it so I dont think it would help you. I'm very sorry. I'd like to register your friend code and get you one with pkru for free tomarrow night, would that be alright?
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Any ways my jet has wifi. I'm gonna get on it at 6:00. I'm heading to hawaii. I'm bringing my labtop and gonna check gaia off and on. Any ways see ya.