I'm something of a Renaissance woman. I do just about everything, be it scientific, physical, musical, or dealing with humanities. I particularly love my physical activities. blaugh I do tennis, soccer, swimming, fencing, archery, horseback riding, and parkour. I'd really like to get into martial arts, so I can be an all-out ninja. ninja I also play thirteen instruments, but I'm only really good at three or four of those. And I love studying. I'll study anything, really. I'm totally obsessed with bettering myself. As per appearance... I'm like a weird combination of scene and geek. I have short brown, blue, and green hair. It's like a bob plus some side-bangs in the front, then spiky in the back. I kind of love it. mrgreen I love video games, reading, music... Everything. I'm really just a big geek."To your grave I spoke, holding a red, red rose
A gust of freezing cold air whispers to me that you're gone
Spent a lifetime holding on, just to let go
I guess I'll spend another lifetime searching for a new hope"
-A New Hope, by Broken Iris
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