Hi~! Welcome to my attempt at a decent "About me" section.
I am 28, female and no picture of me will grace this space because they never look as good as I want them to. (Honestly don't know how people can just throw up any old picture.)
Work: Lawtons Wholesale Division - it's a pharmaceutical company- I do Accounts Payable and Expenses, which just means I pay the bills.
Play: I sit at home. Things I do include Gaia, play my Wii (which we downloaded Secret of Mana, Ocarina of Time and Mario RPG. Just waiting for TMNT Turtles in Time and my life is complete (HA)), watch TV and sleep. Otherwise my sister, Chel-Bou and I are running the roads. Movies, shopping, Pole Dancing, general exploring.
For interests: See interests tags. Updated whenever I can remember to do it.
Extra: Please help stem the monotony!
Wrestlemania 25, was awesome and Jack Swagger checked me out~!
"Be Jealous" - Miz and Morrison
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OMG IS KHOO,Tuskafel,mysterious_gentleman17,oO_KoNfUzEd_Oo,
comEchEwa,somberlee,lenore riddle
such lovely people!
for u're warm welcome i'm
gonna give u guys a 1K each
hees... i have another account actually
its angebunii (;
so don't ever judge me people
Er...why did you bump me?
*bumps back for good measure*