
I'm Tuesday, my actual name is Tuesday, but my last name isn't Marshmellow (i wish it was). I am 16. YAY for me! I am really nice, but I can get a lil bitchy sometimes (sorry to all those who come in contact with me then). I like all types of music, not all songs, but all types. I'm a huge anime fan. Uhhhhh *tries to come up with something to say* I like TV! Yups TV is awesome! ^o^ I'm a gamer, a reader, a writer, a sports fan, a lil bt of an athlete, an artist, a dancer (not stripper), I cant sing for crap but I like listening to music and all that other good stuff. Well that is it. OH and I'm an up front person. Ask me a question and I will answer. I'm also a good listener and I can relate to most things. So yeah, hit me up any time! I love making friends. Also my fave color is ORANGE!!!! ^o^

Ed's soooo hawt! ;DD


Itachi! Rock out!

Go girl go!!!!
...That is all.....
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