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This is a little thing i like to call "what ifs" i ask a question and then write how i would (or some one else) handle the situation.
Ten things
Ten things you should know about me before getting involved:
1. I dont believe in "God" or a "higher power" of any kind, evolution and science is my thing.
2. On the contrary to number one, I am not a geek, nerd, dork etc...
3. The inner mechanisms of my mind are an enigma
4. I love to write
5. I won't let any one see the real me
6. I like to please people
7. Pole dancing is pretty fun
8. I'm pansexual (love the person, not the gender, so you could call me Bi i suppose. Whatever, it's just a label)
9. I have more personalities than you could possibly imagine
10. Just because I'm loud doesn't mean I'm yelling. Pandas.
Any thing to say? just post....not that hard.....okay then.....
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