Dream Avis
Total: 5,762,711 Gold 61,000 Tickets
-Item Info-
Remaining items to complete:
Rock Hard, Elven Ears (Magma), Devil Wing Arm Tattoo, Horns of the Demon, Card Shark Bands, Black GetaGRIP Headband, Black Single Loop Tied Belt, Zombie G CORP Tshirt, SuperStar Red Stripe Shoes, Joker Hat red-black
Total: 26,889,816 Gold 53,000 Tickets
-Item Info-
Remaining items to complete:
The Family Jewels onyx, Gold Officers Badge, Black GetaGRIP Headband, Mythrill Armor, Devil Tail, Demonbow,
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Hi there!
Oh dude. i went to my first anime convention yesterday.
The english voice actor of Gaara was there. It was pretty neat :3
School, Work, and Boyfriend take up a lot of time.