Tristans Girl Forever

Tristans Girl Forever's avatar

Birthday: 01/20


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things about me:
I am 15 with blonde hair and born in Germany but im not german.I am naturaly blond with blue eyes.
i am eather with my friends or in my room listening to music.I am an A,B student but im not a geek i always screw around in class and i no how to have fun.If i had to choose my friend or boyfriend its always my boyfriend.If i was across the cuntry ide do whatever it takes to see him.
I love him and nothing can change that!!!
I love to dance and sing.I am a music freak and always will be.I love staying up late on weekends(who doesnt)


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my life

Hi i am 13 i love to write stories and draw



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lollipop forever Report | 10/25/2009 12:19 am
lollipop forever
yah like i said and everything i say is true i havent lied to you at all and i wil not lie at all to you cause i have no reson to lie and lies get people broke up and we;ll yah i just care about you k thats all i need to say is i care about you i dont want anything to happen to you is all
lollipop forever Report | 10/25/2009 12:18 am
lollipop forever
well i screwed up alot(never been engaged so couldnt screw that up) in recent relationships not with my latest ex anna i didnt like her but i mean i actualy love you and i really dont want to screw up and if iscrew up and you brake up with me itll fell like a bullet to the heart and having a bullet to the heart doesnt feel good but yah i love you dont want two screw up and well itll go on but yah i love yuo dont want to screw up our relationship and all that so i half to worry cause i love you
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 7:57 pm
lollipop forever
136 i love alvacodo
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 7:50 pm
lollipop forever
heyy love yah
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 3:23 pm
lollipop forever
nope it says need pass and 500 dolly hairs
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 3:21 pm
lollipop forever
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 3:15 pm
lollipop forever
i need 500 doll hairs so keep commenting i got the gifts but i need a trade pass cuz you have to pay to trde kinda gay i stii wuv you
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 3:12 pm
lollipop forever
no its a song oh hellz yah those skittlez things are awsome ill get a lillsometin fo yo later k
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 3:09 pm
lollipop forever
check my profile wuv yah do you want a banana hmmmhmhmh
lollipop forever Report | 10/24/2009 2:59 pm
lollipop forever
the banana king is aour ruler warship him or die mwhahahahahaha


If u dont like with it


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Troian Angul

and yes im ubsesed with my bf

dont piss me of

ur so funny lollipop

dont worry...if u see ur crush with another chick and ur sad just say to ur self "Its ok he probly likes me just doesnt have enough balls to ask me out!"That should cheer u up LOL

bloopers, bloopers everybody hates bloopers gay man in ur shower!!!! Lol.

AWESOME friends

u hurt my feelers


wheres my makeup

If u have a crush who is dateing some1 else and ur sad just tell urself"he likes me but probly doesnt have enough balls to ask me out"lol that should make u happy

wait....if a dog makes out with a cat and they have babies..wouldnt that make another species called a...cag

The Truth About Girls: -We bleed non-stop for a week every month and we don't die so don't mess with us. -We should never be used as objects. -We need girl's nights...often. -It takes at least an hour to look this good smile -We love to gossip. -We MUST go to the bathroom in groups. -"Fine" never means anything good. -We will never be to old for sleepovers. -We are not ashamed to cry. -We love Ben&Jerry's more than you. -We LOVE to sing in the shower=) -We are never to old to play dress-up. -We wish boys still had cooties. -We get moody. Learn to accept, understand, and deal with that fact. -Midol is like crack. End of story. -We love cuddling in his hoodies. -We love the little things smile -We are not too proud to ask for directions. -"Luv ya" is not the same as "I love you" -We never really get over the guys that we loved. -We forgive, but we don't forget. -Pinky promises are NEVER to be broken. -We're always right even if we're wrong. -If you can make us laugh, you can make us do anything. -We love our best friends more than our boyfriends. -"Sometimes" is just never quite enough. -We gossip as much as guys do. So stop acting like we're the bad ones. -If shoes are on sale, we'll buy them. -Random things can make us cry. -If you take our chocolate, we will get ugly. -Our 3 favorite words: "LETS GO SHOPPING!" -We love to lay in the sun all day. -We eat A LOT for our size. -Our clothes may make us look like we're cute, but sometimes they are so uncomfortable. -We aren't all blonde bimbos so stop treating us all like we are. -We travel in packs. -We don't really care if you want to or not. -We all want to be famous. -Flirting is a talent. -Our mood swings are more dangerous than an angry bear. -We always hate our handwriting. -We adore compliments, but that doesn't mean we fish for them. -It doesn't matter who dumped who or why; whenever we see our ex with another girl, it bothers us. -We can't get enough of The Notebook. -We all want a guy to love us as much as Edward loves Bella.