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Arikame Report | 05/29/2012 2:35 am

lolspam! cept it wouldn't be since it's stuff I like to read, and not "OMG POST THIS TO TEN PROFILEZ OR ELZ U'LL HAVE B4D LUCK FOR A WEEEEEEK!"
But yeeeeuh, giant wolves ftw! *high-five* her design sounds interesting and so does the idea of it being an original universe based off Wolf's Rain. Haven't seen the anime nor read the manga yet (if there is one for it), though that was an important thing to mention, which i'm glad you did caaauuuse actually, Instead of re-adapting my character again would it be alright if I simply made an expy of her for your story? I don't know when art will be coming, but I can send a basic character profile for the time being.

And thanks! <3 i'm glad you're so interested in them~er well actually the one so far xD ..but I can still send you the art for Ari if you'd like.

And... ; A; <333333333 Th-thank you! Thank you so muuuuch! Sorry excuse for a gift!? lies! LIIIIIIES they were an amazing surprise! just. *cling* ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou-
Arikame Report | 05/26/2012 8:25 pm
Eeeeee~alsdhs SOCUTE *noms on an ear* heart I see! Does she have a bio I could read? And yeah, I feel your pain D: they still don't have the exact eyes or hair colour and style to complete my character with either OTL gotta make do with whatever comes closest to.

Comics you saaay?! 8D Sounds awesome! Can't wait to read them~ And i'm honoured that you'd consider drawing my character, also knowing you read the bio makes me squee with delight~ It needs to be updated though, so I can send you extra info (or any info you need, feel free to ask <3) and a drawing for referrence if you'd like. Oh man speaking of which, thank you for pointing out that my avatars are all gone... Freakin TekTek. It's alright though I suppose, they've been changed a lot since then.

I do have other characters actually, but this one's the only one that's been adapted to fit into the gaiaverse smoothly. The rest I have to write out bios for still, or that and make art for.

Me? Pfft YOU'RE the amazing friend here <3 I really appreciate you thinking about getting me something, and even if not it warms my heart to see a message from you. emotion_kirakira
; A; Also you spoil me, you really do. Hnnnnng~
If so, i'm trying to get a second Topaz Diamond Dog for markings, a second Inari for ears (so i can take off the bad moon if need be) and a Yama no Tamago. i'm trying for the Tamago and am a little over halfway there? since that's the most important to me right now. that'll be explained in my pm (which i'll send soon)
Arikame Report | 05/18/2012 3:41 pm
Oh BBY, dat furry avatar/character of yours~ heart
Can I rub your ears? emotion_kirakira How's everything been going?
gahIseriouslyneedtonudgeyoumore ; A;
RETROsecks--x Report | 04/20/2012 10:16 am
That's crazy! I've known Rika for a few years now from roleplaying.
&& thank you muchly.
I try. razz
Z0mGzZz_ItZ_V-ie Report | 04/16/2012 3:26 pm
thanks for purchasing! (:
Lynette Rose Report | 04/16/2012 9:11 am
Lynette Rose
Thanks for buying! ^^
Arikame Report | 04/14/2012 12:59 pm
IChyme! BBY SWEETI DARLIN i'd never boot you off! Actually I was worried about exactly that because I couldn't find you on my list since I didn't know you changed your name recently. I'm sorry to hear that you've gotta deal with real life drama though, sad If you need to talk or vent lemme know, i'll always reply back.
Santa Trinidad Report | 02/07/2012 6:30 am
Santa Trinidad
thanks for the purchase n__n
em0milf Report | 01/21/2012 5:43 pm

Hello my dear. ;3;

Eleanor Hume Report | 01/14/2012 8:16 pm
Eleanor Hume
Aww, I doubt that! :c

Ahhh, I seee. 0:
I would join but I feel lame not being a good RPer and all. xD;
; 3 ;


Questing: L33T Gamer : 200k//500k
emotion_kirakira Last donator: emotion_kirakira
RETROsecks--x -Empress cotton ;u; heart

I draw!
PM me for examples if you'd like some!


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