I miss when...
Getting high meant swinging on the playground
Protection meant wearing a helmet
All u could get from boys were cooties
Race issues were who could run the fastest
And war was only a card game
Your worst enimies were your siblings
Wearing a skirt didn't make u a slut
And the only drug we knew was cough medicine
Screwing up meant that we said the alphabet wrong
The only thing that hurt us were scraped knees
And goodbyes meant only until tomorrow
-Destinee is the name-
-I blow the candles out November 7-
-im very outgoing-
-i try just about anything-
-im single-
-i just really wanna be by myself-
-If you only knew haha-
-i do have regrets and wish i could go back so i could change some of the mistakes i have made-
-But then again it would change everything that is how it is today-
-I dont care what you think about me you can call me n-ething you'd like cause im me and thats all im gonna be-
-i hate drama dont put me in it-
-Yeah i have been hurt more then i can count-
-SuperMan is my favorite Hero (:
-I like to make new friends-
- i trust more people then i should which im going to stop-
-Well i guess thats all im gonna write about-
-Anything you wanna no write me-
"if you love someone tell them because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken"
-Its a never ending story -
19/Bi/Pics in profile/Pm me?
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