>>---About Mich--->
Hey there! You may call me Toshuu-chan or Jingles. ^_^ There's honestly not much to say about me except that I'm obsessed with anime, manga, fencing... Yeah, you get the point. I have absolutely no life and I'm fine with that! I'm also probably the worst procrastinator and laziest bum you will ever meet, but hey, that's just me, so deal with it.
I love to roleplay, read, write, and draw- though I'm not amazing at drawing. My favorite genre is probably fantasy/adventure, and I'm obsessed with dragons. I'm also very obsessed with NASCAR- Go 48! <3 I'm going to be a freshman at college soon, though I'm still unsure where I want to go. But I do know I want to go into engineering and my goal is to work within NASCAR... preferably the driver. ;P We can all dream, ne?
I'm a pretty laid back and easy going person, and I totally live by Carpe Diem-- live life to the fullest, basically.
Yeah... well, that's all.. PM me if you want, or comment... I don't care! Toodles!
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If you don't like the anime, it was originally a webcomic and then turned into a manga. So there are tons of just little blurb skits. Hahaha. |D I like this site: http://aph.starry-sky.com/
all the "non-linear" comics are amazing. the main-story ones are basically the anime though.
THE ANIME MAKES ME SAD BECAUSE THEY TOOK OUT KOREA. :C cuz Korea was all, wahhhh I'm not like that. >:C but it's okay because we hetalia fans are like, pff yes you are -keeps korea alive-
But I really love it haha. It's like, it helps me remember my history so easily too. Haha cuz I can imagine characters interacting instead of nations and dates and blahh. But it takes stereotypes from all the countries and I find it absolutely hilarious. xD Maybe you'll check it out again sometime haha.
Oh on a side note! Have you ever heard of Axis Powers Hetalia? Have I ever asked you that?
It's my obsessionnnnnn. :'D
Yeahhh~ time's weird. for me it's both slow and fast. .-. I'm just. like. what. xD
Ohh yeahhh. I have lots of senior friends who are waiting for April 1st. Actually, I've met a lot of people that live over by you. XD Some applied to Princeton too.. Don't be pessimistic! Haha, you might get in! ;D
Pomona isss really pretty. I think my friend in L.A. is going to transfer there, actually. I'm still wondering where I'm gonna transfer to.. but yeah. Wherever you choose to go I'm sure it'll be a blaaaast. College is epicawesome.
BUT YES. LAST MATH CLASS EVERRRRR. WOOOOOO if I pass but WOOOOOOO. XD Have you decided where you're going yet?
Dang ittt. Yahoo's the one I don't have now lol. You and your getting viruses all the time I swear. xD
College is pretty amazinggg. I like having free time and the ability to choose classes... also, I'm taking my last math class EVERRRR. XD
But uh, I'd say nothing much, but since the last time we spoke, there's probably a lot new. lolol. do you not log on msn anymore? Oh I got aim, if you like that better. |D