HEY GAIANS! It's been a really long time since I logged in, so I guess you can say that.. I'm kinda new to the NEW Gaia? Haha. ANYWAY, I'll start here:
They call me Tim, so that's the name we're gonna go with. I'm now 16 years old and from the Philippines, specifically in Luzon, Manila, though I really don't wanna be here anymore. Ever since I started breakdancing 5 months ago, my life changed for the better. So now, I actually have a life. HAHAH!
"Dance to express, not impress"
I've been studying in the same private school ever since Prep, and 'm still loving my stay. I live in a house with a very close and caring family. I have friends that are always there to back me up. I'm not interested in what people call Love. I never am (I'm weird that way.. HAHAH!). So if you just want a friend who'll stay on the Friend Zone, I'm here. biggrin
If you wanna know more, talk to me!
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